Stain Remover Spray | Your Go-To for Food Stains

Stain Remover Spray | Your Go-To for Food Stains

We’ve all experienced it—you're out at a nice restaurant or enjoying a casual meal at home, and before you know it, food ends up on your clothes. Whether it's a splash of sauce or a greasy smear, food stains can instantly ruin the moment. It's frustrating enough when it happens while you’re out, but when you get home and find that even laundry can’t save your favorite outfit, it becomes downright annoying.

When you’re out and about, dealing with food stains is tricky. You reach for a napkin and dab at it with water, but it never seems to fully go away. Greasy stains or tomato-based sauces cling stubbornly to the fabric, making it clear that a simple hand wash just won’t cut it. And the frustration only grows when you realize you’ll be fighting the same battle later at home in the laundry room.

At home, the struggle continues. Even after using detergent, some food stains remain as if they’re woven into the fabric forever. Oil stains from cooking, coffee spills, and dark sauces are some of the hardest to tackle. You pre-treat, scrub, and throw the item in the wash, hoping for the best—only to find the stain is still there after drying.


But don’t lose hope! A good strategy can help ease that frustration. 
Gong100 Stain Remover Spray comes to the rescue!

Stain Remover Spray comes in two sizes: 
• Family size in 300ml
• Portable size in 50ml

Stain Remover Spray is a neutral water based cleaner (ph6-8) and formulated with powerful stain-fighting ingredients and at same time minimizes fiber damage, it consists of 8 different kinds of natural enzymes for effective cleaning and easier removal of stubborn stains :
1. Amylase       - Breakdown carbohydrates & starches
2. Pectinase     - Breakdown fruit & vegetable stains
3. Protease      - Break down sweat & sebum
4. Mannanase  - Break down cosmetic stains 
5. Lipase          - Break down oil & grease
6. Cellulase 1   - Prevent clothes from pilling
7. Cellulase 2   - Maintaining the color of your clothes
8. EM ensyme  - Inhibit microorganisms

Safe to use even on fragile fabrics, such as baby clothes, bedding, shoes, etc.
Most importantly, certified free from fluorescent or whitening agents that can cause allergic dermatitis and skin diseases. 

How to use
1. Kindly use in inconspicuous areas.
2. Spray directly on the stain until saturated.
3. Let it settle for 10-20 minutes or longer depending on contamination degree.
4. Gently rub the stain area.
5. Dry lightly with a damp cloth or wash in a washing machine.
6. Recommend washing it in a washing machine after rubbing if the stain is in a higher contamination degree.

Stain Remover Spray’s got your back wherever you go, whether it's a messy meal out or a spill at home. Just spray, and watch those stains disappear—no hassle, no stress!

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